Monday, December 15, 2008

Laught Out loud !! Hilarious

Recent attacks on Mumbai was really a shock, it was sudden and unexpected. Terrorists in rush hour taking out their guns and open firing at the people, hijacked hotels, killed the hostages and what not. Without any doubt, the fingers were pointed to our neighbors and the neighbors were very much offended as if they knew nothing about it and are totally unaware and innocent. Well then few days back a video was released on net showing a media channel saying arbitrary things about our country and our army, they inferred their own conclusion out of it and said in a provoking language. Well the most hilarious part of it was there interpretation of FACTS shown to them. If you haven't seen the video then please watch it, it is worth a watch. It shows how MISinterpretation of "FACTS" can lead to such hilarious encounters in the history of media. Indian people after watching the video were obviously angry but at the same time were LAUGHING OUT LOUD at the ignorance of them. Well I guess the brains of the people of that region are used to such MISinterpretations. Well this was at a national level, some also occur at individual level.
Later the captured terrorist and his family was totally unveiled in the international media and the truth was out. Well the truth has to come out some way or the other and this is how it works everywhere be it national level or individual level. But you know, the "selfish rabbit" would not let go of the carrot at any cost.

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