Sunday, March 9, 2008


We do not know what is the purpose of our lives . Why are we here ? , why are we doing the things assigned to us ? , is there life after death ? , is there a major controlling force behind every activity ?. Such mind bogling questions have been of keen interest to mankind since centuries . They have tried to explain the answers to these in every possible way ranging from historical accounting to logical reasoning , applied various developed theories and deducted new possible theories from it .There also have been a lot of debate regarding such topics . Some say there is a purpose to our lives and i.e. we are suffering the punishment for our misdeeds and sins which we committed in some ideal place ( eg:- heaven ) , so we are sent to earth to learn a lesson. On the contrary some say , there is no such ideal place but we are here because some few million molecules combined with some [1/(2^some billion) ] probability and the fittest of the organisms survive and the weaker goes for extinction. Since the world is a large place from our perspective , such beliefs lead to distinction between various cultures and religion. The individual group becomes so adamant about it that it starts imposing its beliefs on rest leading to argument , debates and what not . This is not something relevant of stone age but is a continous process which has been seen in variuos forms .
From an individual point of view , we meet people with distinct mind sets , some complimentary , some supplementary and find that they have their own beliefs and viewpoint about how things go around here . Some try to accept it but some try to force it on others or treat them as some lunatic . Some debate over it for hours and hours , fight for their belief giving examples from their own life .
I also sometimes take part in such debates (or should I say used to?) , I couldnt find anything from them except unrest and anxiety even if I win the debate . Whenever I debate over such issues I keep in mind not to use the weakness of the opponent , I hate it ( my personal quality , dont want to make any enemies or convert the few friends to enemies ) , I dont want to hit the person again and again on the green and give that person a tough time , I rather try to convince why I believe like this and when that person goes on and on without any sign of termination , I just DROP IT !


Sahefa said...

Do read my latest post:)

AG said...


nicely written
debating smthing leaves a the floor open for exchange of thoughts and i guess the victory is not abt winning the victory comes in the form of letting wt u feel is the truth prevale n MODERATING OTHERS HARD CORE BELIEFS ABT something.

as per ur comment on my blog
well just as u said thats hte point i am tryin to make
listen to everything cz music is in every song but do not abuse it.

keep visiting!!!

i guess its time 4 u to update:)

Soham Chakraborty said...

yup I am also thinking on updating but I am lazy :)

AG said...


uv been tagged :)
