Saturday, October 4, 2008

Era of Arguments

For the last few months, life has been full of mind bogling situations, controversies, prejudices, heated arguments. Some arguments led to a peaceful end with new bondings and stronger relationships, but some has dented few relationships in such a way whose scars have made a permanent mark. Few arguments were about what is right and what is wrong, few were about accusations placed on me and many more. Though I am not a very big fan of arguments, but I was squeezed in between them for one reason or the other. I believe I should not waste my time on arguments as all these are just fruitless, they just help in increasing blood pressure and hatred among people. I am a type of person who doesn't wants to hurt a person's feeling unneccesarily and I find happiness in happiness of people close to me or people around me even if I don't know them at all. In fact I love bringing a smile on a stranger's face whenever I get a chance. Well some people take it in a wrong way and accuse me of showing off but I don't mind it because I know myself and my intentions towards what I am doing and I don't need anyone's help in judging that. I always care about others and their feelings because I think it is in my genes, I can't help it. I have the ability to absorb anything people say about me and I don't feel angry about it but it takes a bit of patience when someone says something about someone else who may be close to me or may be a stranger as well, I can't tolerate it. I don't impose my likings on someone else neither do I say anything negative about someone's likings and dislikings. Liking and disliking are generated by instincts, if you like something you are bound to get attached with it and if you dislike you will never go close to that thing. In my case things are complicated, I may dislike a thing at the first encounter but eventually may start liking it due to some characteristic of that thing or other. This happens a lot with me. I compromise with my likings and dislikings a lot for happiness of others which in turn gives happiness to me. I always extract the positive out of things and discard the negative things from them, this is how I have led my life from childhood. I feel it is obviuos that I can't get everything of my choice everytime so whatever positive I am getting I must appreciate it and keep it in one corner of my mind. My actions and deeds always have an aim, that may be to make myself happy or make others happy or may be also to send a message to someone or make someone realize peacefully. Well on an ending note, arguments are a part of life, we have to live with it.


SAM said...

keep up the gud is tension ni lete..apan hai ki mba kar denge is se pehle ki woh kare!!!

Soham Chakraborty said...

baap re... mummy ..kya comment tha!!! mba wow.. kya mast term hain !!! hehe ... sahi hain !!!